Loosened from the mud, I find myself floating in a world of possibility.

So can you.

Stillwater moment (ii)

This is another moment captured in Stillwater when we were stopped on the lift bridge. This brought back some really great memories. For my birthday, perhaps 5-6 years ago, the Big D took me for a ride on the gondola. We boarded with a bottle of wine and a guitar. He strummed his guitar and sang for me as the gondolier navigated his way down the St. Croix. The only issue I had was that the trip was far too short. Wish we could have contracted with Gondola Romantica for the entire evening!


  1. Thanks, Kat! I enjoyed this one and it brought back so many memories of our own ride on the gondola. If you haven't tried, you definitely should!

  2. What a beautiful photo! And, great site! I look forward to exploring your site and reading more about the CSA...I'm definitely interested in this should we ever find a place to live.

  3. Hi Lani. You should definitely check out a CSA whereever you decide to settle down. But not until then because I just imagine being able to fit all that produce into a tiny Airstream refrigerator. :)


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