Loosened from the mud, I find myself floating in a world of possibility.

So can you.

Grand Rounds National Scenic Byway

Just in case, you haven't read this on my blog before, I'm going to say it again. I live in a beautiful state - the great state of Minnesota. I love every season in this state, including the winter. Spring is downright breathtaking, but maybe that's because it follows winter and everything seems better after tough times. Kind of like how hunger is the best seasoning for any meal. Spring is that awesome season-ing after the limited colors of winter.

I was pregnant through the end of summer, fall and the first couple of months of winter. During this time, before the ice covered the city streets, I would walk the path just near my house. I considered it my track as it was a newly cemented walking/biking path. If I went to the road that defines a NE Minneapolis boundary, it would be a walk that was just over a mile. I remembered those times that I use to run this path. Why does it seem that running outside is far more strenuous than running on a treadmill? I don't know. I'm new to running, but once I tried, I was hooked.

Anyway, I never realized that this street was the northeastern leg of the Grand Rounds National Scenic Byway. Isn't that awesome? I live in a state, where right in my very own neighborhood, there is a national scenic byway.

While I was pregnant, each walk seemed psychedelic to me. Kind of like I was Lotus in Wonderland. Friends asked me to take pictures to illustrate what I felt, but I could never capture the feeling. That was in the Fall. I can't even imagine how psychedelic this would have seemed to me right now in the Spring.

Spring in NE Minneapolis is like a fairyland, full of bright colors and unexpected beauty. Tulips are all over the place, in all different colors. Here's a common color. Yet, the tulip wasn't just satisfied with its bright red-orange color, it had to add a thin yellow edge. What a brilliant idea!

This one is little more unusual. It also gave me an opportunity to use the macro feature on my lens. Some day, one day, I might be able to afford an actual macro lens, maybe.

For some strange reason, I never realized that tulips open up during the day, then close up tight at night. Kind of looks like a rose, doesn't it? Does this tulip have an identity crisis? Heck no! How could it? It's so pretty.

Even the pinecones are beautiful.

While the tulips and flowering trees seem delicate, their beauty fleeting, these maple leaves display a glossy sturdiness. These maples are a slick, stunning presence in the neighborhood.

So, I strolled around the neighborhood, literally, what with Baby Lotus Bud in her ride and gazed and amazed at all that Spring gave us this year. And, then I spotted these chairs. So. Dang. Cute. No? I want. I want. I want to sit in these chairs with the Big D and little Baby Lotus Bud right there in the middle of us. I want to sit there and watch all the folk in my hood wander, stroll, bike, jog and walk by.

Maybe one day, the three of us will bike the whole scenic byway. I hope so because it would be a great way to see more of this great city.


  1. What beautiful pictures! Bless you for sharing them with us. I have to say while I love all the seasons, Spring is most definitely my favourite.

    love and hugs to you all xxx

    ps.....love the 'putting the 'om' in mom.....that seems so fitting for you lovely one!

  2. Wow! Gorgeous pictures!!! You are really an excellent photographer. Hope you and your family are doing well. :)

  3. I was just thinking those closed tulips looked a whole lot like magnolia blossoms. All of your photos are lovely. *smiles*


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