Loosened from the mud, I find myself floating in a world of possibility.

So can you.

Rainy Day Knitting

I feel like the monsoons have hit Minnesota! I loved the monsoons for the couple of years I lived in India. Here it feels like the monsoon rain because it came after a week of really hot weather. We don't have an air conditioner so 98 degree days in late May and early June are really hard on me.

But not today. It's been raining all day and I love it!

I have so much to do. I have so much to blog about. We went to the farmer's market, we started our CSA, the Baby's 4 month birthday letter is due, but today I just want to knit.

That's a good feeling actually. I haven't done much knitting since the baby arrived. Over the weekend, I got this strong urge to begin making her dolly. I wanted to wait on beginning the dolly until after she was born so that I would match her skin color. I am so glad I waited because she has much lighter skin than I do, just a little bit darker than her Norwegian/Swedish Daddy.

Teddy was really big; he was at least time bigger than her when she was born But this little dolly will be smaller, thank goodness! If I get it done quickly I might just make a twin. Oh wait, I guess I will have to make dolly some clothes first. Knitting fun is the goal for this month!


  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who enjoys rainy days. Its been SO hot here recently....granted only for about a week, but still long enough to mean that rain and coolness and a cleansing of the air were appreciated. Gave me a good excuse to stay indoors and just 'potter' too!

    Hope you have great fun with your knitting lovely one....will we get to see a picture of the finished article?

    love and hugs xxx

  2. I enjoyed the rainy day too, its gives me such a good excuse to stay inside & craft or cook. That is a great book, can't what to see your doll

  3. Hi Elle, Yes, rainy days are the best, aren't they. So much cleansing AND pottering around encouraged by the sound and smell of the rain. I will share the dolly as soon as I'm done. She's coming around quickly!

    Hey Kat, The rain is a fabulous excuse to stay inside and during this time of year it is hard to do that when the weather is so nice. What a great relaxing day!


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