8 - Atop the Old Brewery
Grainbelt has a new brew out called Nordeast named for this old brewery located in NE Minneapolis. I had tasted this beer from the tap at a local Thai restaurant and loved it. So I bought myself a case last night. But it wasn't as good as it was straight from the tap and unfortunately it did taste like the water had been pulled from the much polluted Mississippi River. Love the name, but not the beer.
The brewery was built by the Minneapolis Brewing Company in 1891 and still today is a beautiful building. From this photo, you'd never know that a major snow storm hit the area just one day later. Glad I caught a glimpse of the bright blue sky! Perhaps it will sustain me until the next 50 degree day.
The Lotus 52s is my 2011 project to capture one photo a week. I have a new lens and that makes it the right time to get to know my camera better. This is my effort to improve my images, to improve my processing, and to learn more about the world around me.
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