Loosened from the mud, I find myself floating in a world of possibility.

So can you.

Iron Craft: Best in Show

This week's Iron Craft challenge was animal/pet related. I am more than a little ticked at my cats right now so crafting something for them was completely off the table.

Here are a few things I discovered about myself this week:

1. I am totally enamoured with amigurumi! I'm so excited about this new aspect of knitting in my life.

2. I have a lot of birthday parties coming up so I've got to get knitting some amigurumi.

3. I have turned Iron Craft into Iron Knit. So I went and requested a bunch of craft books from the library to get some other sorts of crafty inspirations.

4. I didn't realize that metal double-pointed knitting needles come in packs of four. I've always gotten the bamboo that come in packs of five needles. I spent an hour last Friday night looking for my "missing" metal needle. Argh.

5. I think I have way too much fun setting up photo shoots for my knit animals.

6. I'm definitely a two stick girl. I had to try a bit of crochet this week and it wasn't pretty.

7. I totally have a thing for elephants.

Meet Ella and Phante!

This was such a fun project! I found the pattern here. I am so making these for all the babies in my life that are turning 1 year old in the next few months. I'm so excited because I can knit one of these up in two nights and that gives me plenty of time to personalize them and continue with Iron Craft challenges and still care for the Baby Lotus Bud and get the house ready to put on the market and possible laundry and dishes, too! Do you think I have too much going on?

See what I mean about the photo shoot? I actually considered taking Ella and Phante to the Como Conservatory just so I could something a bit more elaborate. I think cabin fever is reaching peak levels.

I also had to add here Cornelia the Crab because I'm just so dang proud of her! I've been wanted to make Cornelia for a year now and while it did take me several weeks and therefore outside the scope of the Iron Craft challeges, I just had to share. Cornelia was named after the Cornelia Marie, a Deadliest Catch crab boat who happened to be steered by my favorite crab boat captain - Captain Phil Harris.

is where I found the crab pattern and looking again at the pattern I see why I got excited about the earlier photo shoots.

Next week, I am really going to try hard to do something other than a knit project, something a little more crafty!


  1. They are totally fun! Putting the house on the market?

  2. These are so cute! I need to work up the courage to try some!

  3. Oh my lord these are cute!

  4. Fantastic! I love these. I've become totally addicted to amigurumi, too, although I crochet them. I love your elephants!

  5. I just checked out an amigurumi book at the library a few weeks ago. I made an owl - my first knitted pattern. He turned out cute! He was called the Odessa Owl in the book and since we are currently staying with family in Odessa, I thought it was only appropriate. I look forward to trying more patterns. So fun!

    Love the elephants and crab.

    And, house on the market? Exciting!


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