Loosened from the mud, I find myself floating in a world of possibility.

So can you.

CSA Recap #1

As usual, I'm off to a good start with this year's CSA. I always start off good but when the boxes get more full and loaded, I start seeking a new spot to start a compost hole. No, come on, it's not all that bad, but there have been days when I've resented having all this wonderful, incredible, local produce delivered right to my neighborhood just a day after harvest. I write this so that I can remind myself that I'm lucky and blessed to have access to this food that truly taste better than anything I've bought at a store, co-op included in this. Right now I am grateful and I'm really going to try to stay that way. Did I mention we signed up for the fruit share?

This season has started off with a lot of soy, cream, butter and cheese. I'm still breastfeeding but the Baby Lotus Bud no longer has the skin reactions she used to get when I consumed any and all dairy products and soy. And - surprise, surprise - I don't seem to be lactose intolerant anymore. I don't know how it happened, but being pregnant sure changed my body and this case, for the better.

The first box had parsnips, black radish, ramps, overwintered spinach, sorrel, russian kale, sunchokes, chives, and (dried) red (super) chilis.

Straight up I have to tell you, again, I do not like parsnips. They smell foul to me when I cook them. I kept them around and steamed a couple up for Lotus Bud. She ate them, could be because I mixed them with broccoli and apple sauce. [yes, she still eats purred food and yes, that's driving me nuts. I wish should would eat more whole foods and sometimes she does, but she always starts with some purred.]

We had a spinach salad with the black radish, which I thought were too dry and a little too much kick. Maybe too bold and spicy for my taste, at least when it's raw.

We had the sunchokes on Mother's Day and I roasted them, even though I technically wasn't supposed to be cooking. I sprinkled them with both turmeric and hing (asafoetida) in hopes of, you know, cutting down the gas factor. Did it work? Let me just say it was a bit windy in NE Minneapolis on Mother's Day.

Also on Mother's Day I made ramp deviled eggs.

In the middle of the week I made the pasta primavera recipe that came with the CSA newsletter. Included in this recipe was the black radish (much better), ramps, spinach and kale. Used up all the kale! Whew!

The chives were chopped up into some sour cream for a dip that the Big D loves.

I used the sorrel to make a cream sauce for some cod. The house still smells of cod, but the meal was good.

Finally, I used up the rest of spinach in another cream sauce to put over baked chicken.

Now all that remains is one black radish, some more chives and the dried chilis which I'm waiting on them getting dryer so that we can crush them up.

No CSA this week as this year again we opted for the every other week box and I'm glad not to have to mess with the nettles. I always hurt myself on those suckers!


  1. Black radish is preferred for the recipe added with spinach and kale.


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