Loosened from the mud, I find myself floating in a world of possibility.

So can you.

New Habits for the New Year

I like to make new habits for the new year. This year I have chosen habits that seem more do-able than those resolutions and goals I set for years past. This year seem like minor changes and a heck of a lot more fun. I think I have a short list but it is actually longer because I've included daily, weekly, monthly and seasonal goals.

Habits for 2013
Daily Habits:
  • Floss and brush teeth in the evening (every evening instead of most evenings)
  • Throw out 20 things a day
  • Kissing more (Lotus Bud inspired this one)
  • Post at least one photo
Weekly Habits:
  • House blessing and cleaning (just basic cleaning and vacuuming - no need to get overwhelmed)
Once a Month Habits:
  • Bake a cake
  • Find new art project for Bud
Once a Season Habits
  • Make iron-on or stenciled shirts

I started my new monthly habit of baking a cake on New Year's Eve. It's a small cake, inspired by Alicia.  I thought that if I worked on baking a cake once a month, I would eventually be able to make a decent one for birthdays.  Last night was comical.  I overfilled the pan and a lot of the cake batter fell to the bottom of the oven causing smoke to fill the house.  I inadvertently cut the strawberries on a cutting board that D had used to chop garlic so yes, the strawberries had a funky garlic taste. (In my defense, he did not tell me he had done this at the time.)  Yet despite all this troubles, I managed to make a yummy treat (if you push the berries to the side).  Needless to say, my baking skills need some work.

Last night I also shot some photos of the cake to start up my 365 photo challenge.  I honestly don't think I can shoot one photo a day.  When I have tried to do this challenge in the past, I found I took  3-4 photos during one photowalk that I was happy with, so my intent is to take photos every few days but post at least one photo a day.  My last attempt was interrupted by a premature baby.  Good reason to give up the challenge, don't you think?

More kissing. Check.  Later today I will start the flinging of 20 things.

Here we go 2013!


  1. Love! (I don't care about the funky taste - that cake looks amazing.)

    Cheers to more creative adventures in 2013. Can't wait to follow along with you.

  2. Good luck with your new habits. That cake looks fantastic even if tainted with garlic.

  3. Deonne! So good to hear from you. Thanks for the encouragment!

    Kat - We have eaten most of the cake, despite the garlic-y flavor to the strawberries. D's birthday is this month, so I have another chance to get it right.


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