Loosened from the mud, I find myself floating in a world of possibility.

So can you.

32 & 33

I made it through a whole month of the Lotus365 project. I did good. I even managed to take a new photo each day, something I had excused myself from at the beginning of this project. I do think I need to rethink my postings here. While I'm sure I am going to continue to take a photo everyday, I'm not sure I will continue to post a photo each day. Maybe I'll do once a week or smaller groupings. We'll see. A new month, a new direction. Here are the first two of the month.

This plant hangs in the kitchen in a mason jar full of water. It should be planted in soil but it fits so perfectly in that window. We've had this plant for many, many years. This is only the second year it has bloomed. And what beautiful, wet bloom it is.

Dave's diabetes kit. Since the first day I met him, the Big D has had type 1 diabetes. I believe this year marks twenty. Nineteen years ago his diabetes changed how we eat. I also think it is the driving force behind our desire to be adventurous and to make the most of what life has to offer.
