Loosened from the mud, I find myself floating in a world of possibility.

So can you.

111 - the robins are in the hood

Last week there were hundreds of robins in my backyard.  Apparently all male and all very hungry.

They came in loud and proud.  They staked out their claim and sang their dominance to all the other birds and creatures in the backyard.

We have a grape vine that grows all over the house.  By the time they were done, the robins had eaten every single grape, even the ones that got knocked to the ground.

And they left purple poo on the sidewalks.

I sure hope they stick around the neighborhood.  It would be nice to have some new neighbors around here, ones that sing and fill the trees with their fat little, handsome little bodies.


  1. You got some good robin shots! We got a little finch sized bird feeder and have been enjoying the tons of goldfinches on it over the last week. There are such a bright yellow.

    1. Oh, I've seen those too and was thinking they were goldfinches. So pretty!


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