Loosened from the mud, I find myself floating in a world of possibility.

So can you.

notes from the weekend, part two

What a great weekend it has been.  We were lazy yet quite productive.  We cleaned the boat, then went for a late afternoon cruise on the river.  With my toes digging into the silty sand, I washed my hair and it was refreshing.  The little Lotus Bud freaked about putting her feet in the water. 

Later with an early evening fire, D and Lotus Bud were singing together a song that they had practiced for weeks, "what do you want from me?".  With their arms outstretched and dramatic, it was like they were filming a music video. All of it, especially the singing was amazing!

I've got to figure out how to get her excited about the things that I am interested in like wading or swimming in the river.

