school lunch |
Back in May of 2013 I got the opportunity to tour the Minneapolis Nutrition Center, the place that makes school lunch for the Minneapolis School District. It was fascinating and I took a bunch of photos but this one never showed up on the blog.
I entered five photos for another exhibit at the Minneapolis Photo Center. The call for entry was about "the visual narrative". I had many photos picked out and then ended up changing my mind on all but two. The one at the top of this post was one of those last minute additions.
While perusing my photos to find appropriate entries, I found a pattern in my photography. These first two show my angled vision with a sharp focus in the foreground and a blurred image of people. I've never been comfortable with taking photos of people, not even when I worked as a portrait photography. But this sort of soft focus seems to work for me.
snow day |
Last Friday I had the opportunity to chat with another photographer, someone I met through an online course (Cultivating Courage). I feel blessed to have met
Jenny and just in our two breakfasts dates, I've been blown away by her photography goals and aspirations. We talked a bit about whether to include photos of our children when answering calls for entry. While at the time I felt certain about what I was going to do, at the end of the day I changed my mind. I have a very shy girl and I don't want her to resent me when she gets older. She will have to just deal with the photos that appear on this blog (a blog with total number of readers that fits on my hand).
Anyway, so here's one that I love and although there might not be much of a narrative in it, I had to submit it.
gold star |
So what do they want when the call is for visual narrative? Since the deadline for submissions has passed, I cannot go back and review the material but I do remember stuff about personal story. And these all tell a part of my 2013 story.
pink laces |
Friends of mine suggested that of all the possible submission, the one down below was a visual narrative. A farkel narrative. Apparently.
two hundred and fifty |
I doing it! I'm getting my photography out there. It still feels like an isolated process, but at least I'm stepping out a bit.
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