personal, portable altar
The next step in my life is to connect with my inner core self. My dreams have manifest and along with that came a lot more responsibility. I fight the urge to spin out of control. I enrolled in another course, one that is deeply personal, yet ironically more public as it has connected me with facebook again. The course is The Sacred Alone. I'm looking for simple tools to ground me, to help me find my peaceful core, to illuminate the power within myself to find my own calm, ways to ensure that happiness ensues. At first, this sounded to me like a huge task, but I've come to realize that it's more of a shift rather than a challenge and I've discovered that I am surrounded by all that I need.
This week of the course begins with short guided meditations and visualizations. I'm learning that I can start my day with calm but that I need is to follow-up during other parts of my day to sustain that calm. I feel like I've already learned a great deal about myself!
Another task for this week is to create sacred space. I realized I have altars throughout my house. There's a big shelf along my dining room windows that has rocks, plants, shells, feathers, etc. And there is my kitchen altar. What I'm seeking now is a portable altar, something I can carry around from my computer to my bedroom. My small house has no room for a personal altar so a portable one seems like a good solution. I filled it with recent finds from nature. I also realized that I am uncomfortable with candles and incense (things I used to have around a lot), they no longer serve a purpose for me. I expected to learn some new things in this course, instead what I'm finding is that I have the tools for peace all around me, which in my mind is an even better benefit.
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