Loosened from the mud, I find myself floating in a world of possibility.

So can you.

ridding myself of winter


Spring "arrived" last week and I find I still have winter squash.  I like to put roasted squash into potato leek soup, sort of like squash croutons.  So while the soup was simmering on the stove, the squash was roasting in the oven.

Why does it feel like everything comes all at once?  March has been tough for me.  At the end of February I always feel relief that winter is drawing to an end, then March comes along and completely derails my efforts to be positive.  One bad day leads into another and then I find myself facing weeks and weeks of mentally draining turmoil.  It's a situation that repeats itself each year yet I keep going on thinking this year will be different.  It's all so tiring.

Last week was tough.  We faced a monumental decision at the Co-op, I had to prepare lesson plans for my Saturday class and I got sick, the first major illness of the season.  The only bright light is that this morning I woke thinking what was all the fuss about?  A new week, another opportunity to try it at life again.  Only this time I'm armed with soup.
