Loosened from the mud, I find myself floating in a world of possibility.

So can you.

to the rescue!

Dave and I have been thinking about how to be our "better selves." One thing is to just get up earlier on the weekends. I am ashamed to say that there are mornings where the little Lotus Bud is up coloring and playing with legos while we try to catch a few more minutes of sleep. Old habits from our child-free days are hard to break!

So on our last day in the woods we decided to head out early on the boat instead of packing up and leaving for city right away. It was yet another good decision. The weather was warm but the river was cool. While we had made the decision to bathe in the river, neither of us were prepared to get in the cold water so quickly. Lotus Bud had different ideas and she made the decision inevitable by releasing her hot pick noodle into the river. Dave had no choice but to jump in for the rescue.

What was I doing? I'll have you know that I did make a valiant (!) effort to hook it with my fishing line. It was quite cast that brought about joyful cheers. I did successfully hook it but then I tugged a little too hard and the hook came loose. In the meantime the noodle rode the current further away from us.


You'll note that I am not in the water. I'm dry and warm in the boat looking down at my floating ducks.

I did get in just ten minutes later. But I made the choice for myself.
