my own diy
A good friend of mine was sharing with me her frustrations with Pinterist. She feels that it unnecessarily raises the bar for dyi projects. But then she is an artist and everything she does is beyond my skill level. Perhaps she doesn't need the inspiration but I certainly do!
With all the building that Dave has been doing lately, I felt that my time at the woodland retreat should exceed simple dish-washing in the outdoors and cooking on an open fire. Don't get me wrong because that does take some skill and know-how but it's not all that fulfilling. I felt that some of what we already have needed some pretty-ing up. So I turned to my own pins for ideas and settled upon this painting technique for our little wooden tables set out by the firepit.
The process was fun but a little bit terrifying. See that bright blue? Goodness I really needed to keep the faith because the blue was way too bright! I kept getting dirty looks from my husband, but my daughter had a blast helping me paint. She probably helped a little too much because we ended up putting on more paint than I intended (and getting paint all over our clothes). But in the end, who cares? It was fun and satisfying!
The dark stain I used for the top layer really toned down the bright blues and greens. I love the final results and now I can't stop thinking about what I'm going to paint next.
I loved how rustic and worn it looks. It adds just a little bit of color but keeps the feel of our woodland retreat.
Excuse while I go give myself a high-five!
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