Loosened from the mud, I find myself floating in a world of possibility.

So can you.

bare branches of a tree


I chose this photo because it reminds somewhat of home. Yet, it was taken in Moab at the Canyonlands National Park. It is the result of a decision I made today. One thing that is good about a 365 photo project is the ability to make one decision a day that is truly my own.

And so that is what has been on my mind lately. All those decisions that need to be made in the course of one day, many of which, are not entirely mine but swayed by the  necessity of home and work life.

Dentist appointment earlier (one cavity), board meeting on Monday (overloaded agenda), my weekend is book-ended with stressful factors. I choose comfort and relaxation tonight in front of the fireplace, having a cocktail with my hubby, quietly checking on my daughter as she sleep like a champ. This are good things and good decisions for tonight.

Tomorrow, early tomorrow, we'll decide whether we want to get out to the woodland retreat. Sunday, late Sunday, I'll think about all that needs to get done during the next week.

Tonight, all of tonight, is going to be about rest and gratitude and retreat and reprieve.
