Weekend in the City
I had dinner with a friend where we schooled ourselves on American whiskeys. I took a photo with the flash by accident and it turned out to be the one I liked the most. Shimmering, glowing, bright whiskey flights.
My weekends are the parts of the week full of variety, even ones spent in the city. But then I am reminded that we spend so little time in the city on the weekends that when we do it is because we can't avoid the scheduled events. Sunday was filled with a day long retreat and bookended by intense family time together. I say intense because I was trying to clean the house for the upcoming birthday party, but the messes were happening faster than I could clean. It occured to me that if I had kept up with my cleaning routines, I wouldn't have been caught up in the urgency but rather just chilling with the family, paintbrush in hand.
The co-op retreat had an amazing facilitator, a great group art project, an interesting road map activity and photos at lunch. We made progress but better yet, we left feeling stronger as a team. I intend to spend a bit more time writing about cooperatives and the work entailed with creating and sustaining a thriving cooperative community. I want to, I just have to find the time for it.
We are now done with the CSA which we've had for over eight years. And honestly, it feels good. I heard the tale of daddy and the little one going to the co-op. She was drawn to the beautiful colors of the produce section. She chose broccoli and beets for dinner. But here's another benefit. Dave and I were able to saute the beet greens and add them to our dinner plate. When I would pick the CSA, the amount of vegetables that we received was always overwhelming, so much so that I rarely got to the beets on the day of pick-up, therefore never getting the beet greens in time for their fresh, savory goodness. Today my pee is pinkish and I feel like my body is filled with nutrition. Did I mention this was all my daughter's idea? My girl makes me feel so proud.
This week is going to be full with party prep. I'm working on this. I'm plotting about the cake. I'm cutting out stars and there are repeated trips to the craft store. I'm rearranging furniture only to move it all back to the original. The corners are being cleared of dust. And I've finally settled on the idea of giving her a really great day with only one little friend but lots of family rather than a birthday bash full of wild, temperamental preschoolers. It is going to be good and fun and I've got 6 days to get it all pulled together. This is the sort of busy rush that I enjoy and I intend to enjoy the heck out of it!
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