Loosened from the mud, I find myself floating in a world of possibility.

So can you.

Library Garden

I love my library! I think it saved my life. After leaving my job and plunging into a deep pit of depression, it was the library that got me out of the house. I would wander the shelves randomly choosing thick, fat books to read. Oh, hell ya, I choose books by their covers, but every once in a while I would choose one just cuz it was a fat, long read. Then, like I did as a lonely child, I would spend the afternoon reading, escaping this world for a couple of hundred pages at a time.

The NE library is the perfect size. It is not overwhelmingly big and once you've been there a few times, the librarians say hello and smile as you walk by. I was jaded off libraries while in graduate school. The U of MN library is gigantic. The NE library is not too small and not too big, it's just right, it's perfect. It's so great to have this resource so readily available throughout the Cities*!

This year the librarians planted a teeny, tiny, eeny, wheeny, little garden. Just a couple of pumpkin plants and some sunflowers. Here's a teeny, tiny, eeny, wheeny little pumpkin that probably won't have time to mature into it's orange glory before the cold hits**.

Just look at this lovely pumpkin!

And not even one spot has been spoiled by a squirrel. At least not yet.

Playing around with some pumpkin blossom bokeh fun.

Ok. Bye. Go visit your local library! And read these here footnotes...

*I'm thinking I need to start a new feature on this site where I share my library finds. I can't say enough how wonderful it is to have this resource so readily available. I do, however, think this is a city resource that is woefully underutilized. The catalog system is very easy to use and available online; one can rent CDs and DVDs for free; magazines, newspapers, and books are available - Duh! It's the library. But, then why don't more people use it? Hmmmm. Maybe I can help spread the word. I should have been a librarian!

** Despite the fact that this might end up being the warmest September on record, the cold weather is going to hit the region soon. Perhaps even sometime next week. It's downright strange to have the sun go down sometime after 7:00 with the temperature still in the 70s, but that's Minnesota for ya. August was chilly and cold, but now September is warm and sunny, although really, really dry. We need rain! If Colorado got snow last week, we can't be that far away from the white stuff.


  1. I love our little neighborhood Washburn library too. I like it so much I volunteer there now at the used bookstore & teaching kids to knit.


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