Loosened from the mud, I find myself floating in a world of possibility.

So can you.

change of season


Why did I think my schedule would become more manageable when the season changed? I'm behind on my photos and I haven't been carrying my camera around with me. I'm behind on board work. I'm behind on house cleaning and laundry. Don't even talk to me about the yard.

As I type this I realize that I am behind on all these things because I have been spending lots of time at the woodland retreat, spending lots of time with friends and spending lots of time at the gym. So doesn't that mean that I've sorted through my priorities and chose the ones that are most important to me? Yep, that's what I'm going with for now.


  1. Yes, sounds like you've got your priorities right! Although I do love seeing your photos. I find my focus on photography has different rhythms. Sometimes a big priority, sometimes a little break.

    1. You are right on all of it, Jenny. So nice to see you the other night at F-Stop.


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