Loosened from the mud, I find myself floating in a world of possibility.

So can you.

i am enough


A great presentation tonight about Brene Brown's work on vulnerability and shame. I know my triggers and I know my physical reaction to shame. And i refuse to allow this photo project to strike that in me. So no fretting about catch-up because this is enough. I am enough. All that I am is good.


  1. Definitely do not feel bad about this project - you've done an amazing job of keeping it going on a fairly consistent basis, and it looks, from out here, that you've gained so much from it. But you're also allowed to do what you want and abandon projects (or change them) when they've served their purpose. I appreciate your words and photos in whatever way you want to share them.

    1. I appreciate the affirmation, Deonne. I think I'm ready to be done but there is just a few weeks left so I might as well see it through to the end. I am going to take the advice you gave me a little while back and use many of my Moab photos to close out the year unless some other image strikes me. I've stopped carrying my camera around which I know is fine because now I always have that iphone camera with me.


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