Loosened from the mud, I find myself floating in a world of possibility.

So can you.

hydrate: updates

After I printed out this photo, I realized it is a selfie. Look closely.   :)

hydrate update: Well, I got sick, really sick. Stay in bed all day sort of sick. Yuck. Often I think about having a day in bed or a day on the couch knitting, both of which are virtually impossible since kiddo joined the family. Funny how the Universe gave me exactly what I wanted. I have to be more careful about my wishes. It's nice to be feeling a little better and eating. Illness is not a weight loss plan that I can recommend.

It was hard to stay hydrated while things were violently coming out of my body. I may never eat swedish meatballs again. Having tea on hand got me hydrated really quick when I was finally able to keep something in my tummy.

And my resolution to not buy more tea until I finished my stash? Well that flew out the window the moment I had a little time to wander into TeaSource. Gah. How to resist all those jars of aromatic tea? But then I brought them home and realized that I don't much care for loose tea anymore. I want the convenience of tea in tiny little bags.

So I'm floating around 2015 getting lots of things done and feeling like I'm getting nothing done. I got a gentle nudge from Deonne about resuming a 365 project which I might well do since I never stopped taking photos, maybe it's the posting that I need to ease up on.

skating update: today was the little one's second skating class. After Dave and I got her ready, he walked her to the ice annnnnd....the teacher came right over and grabbed the little one's hand to lead her out to the group. I don't know. I can't say if that's because of Dave or just because. I know that last week I was on the verge of major illness so I may be have been overly sensitive. I also know for certain that I'm glad we went back. She's improved so much already. And she had fun today.

blog update: It seems every few years I come back to questioning what it is I do on this blog. The last time I'm sure was right before I started the 365 projects. Now I just don't know. I don't have a focus and I tend to use the blog as a journal.

Thanks to those of you who keep reading. It helps me to envision your encouraging faces as I spew out words here and there!

Go forth and hydrate, my friends!


  1. I love reading here. I love your photos, and anecdotes. Keep it coming in whatever form feels good. Hugs....

    1. It's so very good to see your words here, Yvonne. It's been ages since I've had any interaction with you. I miss you! Wishing you all the best in 2015!

  2. I love your blog! If it's right for you to keep going with it, I'll be here appreciating your thoughts and your photographic view of the world.

    1. Jenny - you are such a wonderful source of support. I feel blessed to have you in my life!

  3. I'm with Yvonne, and I'm glad this post feels so hopeful. My 365 Project is already (maybe) morphing, so we can slip and slide all over the creative place together. Let's just keep going.

    1. Yes! Let's keep it going. I find that the habit of a 365 project is hard to break so I might as well continue in some way. Thanks for the encouragement!

  4. Thank you all, my friends. I assure you that I will continue blogging, its just that I'm trying to decide which path to take in 2015. Thanks for all the wonderful affirmation!!!!


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