Loosened from the mud, I find myself floating in a world of possibility.

So can you.

Stairway to heaven.

We made our way to Cedar Key, Fl for our anniversary weekend, to celebrate 21 years, y'all. And we walked up the stairs to our Bloody Mary's and we ended up sitting at the bar next to a couple also celebrating a Valentines anniversary who proceeded to invite us to the best suite on the island. We drank wine, shared stories about our lives, and marveled at the view. We decided to meet later for dinner at the same bar where we all met and experienced together a lively band doing songs that got couples up and dancing after finishing bowls of clams.

Later Dave and I talked and talked about our ongoing luck in meeting nice couples at random bars - all good people. We decided that means we are good people, too. Like recognizes like, I suppose. But we readily admit that the entire bar was full of good people because the smiles were everywhere. We found an island of happy people which is just our kind of people. And the best way to celebrate love.


  1. Beautiful. I don't know Dave, but I'm guessing it's true - you both are good people, and like does attract like. Glad you had a wonderful anniversary.

    1. Spending time with the grandparents is always a challenge and often they try to make me believe that I am not a good person. The wonderful thing about meeting all these good people is the affirmation I received in their presence. You too, my friend. The fact that I've attracted you to return again and again to this blog shows me I can surround myself by good people (like you) and know that the world is a good place.

    2. That's so nice. Happy to have you in my circle of friends, Manisha!


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